PASt projects
Global Thermostat
Design and Build of a Direct Air Carbon Capture Prototype
Hypergolic Liquid Propellant Mitigation System to enhance THAAD Safety
US Air Force
Topological Qubit CNOT Gate
US Air Force
Solid Fuel Rotating Detonation Engine using a Novel Fuel-Gas Generator
NB Power
Point Lepreau Nuclear Generating Station
Main Steam Piping Wall Thickness Evaluation
US Army
Warehouse I installation of R-19 and Phase Change Material
Universal Robotic Assembly Machine
US Air Force
Smart High-Speed Thermocouple Data Acquisition System
US Air Force
Configurable Dynamic S train Measurement System for Turbine Engine Ground Testing
Angra Nuclear Plant
Design of a Tornado Missile Resistant Shield
Flow Control Target Rock Division
CFD Analysis for Valve Optimization
Collaborated on the design of a steam throttle valve for a nuclear power application
DOE Tritium Extraction Facility
Root Cause Analysis - Shield Doors
Awards & Accreditation
Fellow – Mr. Alton Reich - Chair of the Operations, Applications, and Components Committee of the Pressure Vessels and Piping Division
ISO 9001-2015 Certified
Section III, Class 1, 2, and 3 / Section VIII Component Qualification
ISA Instrumentation Society of America
Best Paper Award
Valve Work at Arnold Air Force Base